

winter preparations

Mother nature has been doling out a doozy of a summer for us here in SW Michigan. We’ve had more than our fair share of strong summer storms, many of which have left my country home parents (and thousands of others) stranded without power for days. The strong winds have downed not only power lines but taken down many beautiful old trees in our neighborhood and beyond. And while I do mourn the loss of these giants, we’ve got a long, hard Michigan winter to think about.

So chainsaw in hand, Jesse’s been hard at work this week stocking away wood for the colder months. Depending on the year, (and how much wood we’re able to stock up), we’ve been able to go more than one winter heating our home solely by the woodstove.

Wood burning has it’s drawbacks however. Our home perpetually smells like a campfire, and temperature moderation can be tricky (more than often a window is open in winter here). There is something comforting thought about snuggling in on a winter evening in front of a flickering fire.

Is there anything better?


heirloom tomato

Is there anything better from the garden than a ripe summer tomato? I can’t tell you how excited I am for this. Last year we didn’t get any edible full size tomatoes – between critters and blossom end rot they all went to waste. This year’s hot, humid temperatures, though oppressive and uncomfortable for us, have been a blessing for our tomato plants. We’ve had loads of romas and cherries and now – this!

I see a BLT in my future.